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Ultrarunning coach for every  runner...

no matter where you are in your running journey


As an Online Running Coach, I use proven methods to get you

mentally and physically prepared to reach that finish line.

Do any of these sound like you?

  • You have a dream to one day complete an ultramarathon… but you’re not really sure where to get started.

  • You’ve hired a coach before… but you feel like you were just shuffled through a standard program.

  • You want some extra help with your ultramarathon training... but you don’t need all the hand-holding of traditional coaching.

  • You would hire a running coach in an ideal world… but you can’t justify spending the money on 1 on 1 coaching right now.

​I have ultramarathon coaching options for everyone’s needs. From Customized Training Plans all the way up to 1 on 1 coaching. 

I make it personalized. However we work together, I make sure your training is optimized for your needs, your race, and your lifestyle.

I’ve made the training mistakes… so you don’t have to. I know how hard it can be to train for your first ultramarathon on your own. Trust me, I made a lot of unnecessary mistakes when I trained for my first 50k. I want to help you avoid these same mistakes!

I prepare you both mentally and physically for your race. Ultrarunning is unique. It’s a mental game as much as it is a physical one. That’s probably why the achievement can be so addicting. But that’s also why you need to train for both aspects of the race if you want to succeed.

I have the proven methods and knowledge to get you from today to that finish line! Through my own personal experiences paired with my coaching certification, I give you practical tips that are backed by science and current best practices. I help you use these proven tools to achieve your ultramarathon dreams.


Hey there! I'm Brent, a UESCA Certified Running Coach.

I love working with runners to achieve with running and ultramarathon goals. Click here to get started today!

Happy Running! ✌️😊

Free Guide!

How to Customize an Online Training Plan

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How do I train for my race elevation as well as the distance?

What if I can't run 5 days a week?

What if I get sick?

This guide gives you the tools to:


Personalize your free online training plan


Make a plan that fits your life and your race.

Enjoy and Happy Running!

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