What do you eat before, during, or after you run?
Any fueling favourites to get you energised just before or to keep you going through your run?
No, I didn’t eat the whole box. Though over the course of what seemed like only a couple of days (likely a week+), our family did eat the entire box. Now, BIG KUDOS to my wife and her amazing culinary skills, turning out some amazing desserts and other banana based deliciousness. I’m definitely more of a “eat them straight up or throw some into my smoothie” type of person. Ha!
Bananas work out great for me for a pre-run snack either straight up or maybe with a bit of tahini (which we buy in bulk and therefore is cheaper than PB). Or, throw 1-2 in my post run smoothie.
During a longer run (10+ miles and/or 2+ hrs), I’ve been known to carry just a banana or two dates. Plus water for hydration.
For runs longer than that, I’d do the same but also carry some boiled potatoes w/pink sea salt sprinkled on top in a baggie (anyone have a good eco friendly solution to plastic sandwich baggies?), and/or a nut butter or tahini sandwich - which might have the banana and/or dates (so don’t carry them separately at that point). For hydration, I will do 0.25 litre of coconut water (if we have it) and the rest of my 2L bladder topped up with water.
What’s worked for you, or is a good go to for your runs?